Faithfulness Releases Fullness

Faithfulness is a fundamental pillar of healthy and strong relationships. It reflects the nature and heart of God who is the epitome of faithfulness. From the moment that man and woman were created, God’s desire was to enter into the greatest intimacy with humanity. Throughout the scriptures, God has always been a covenant maker and a promise keeper. He is the most faithful person that you could ever know. Even when Adam and Eve showed their unfaithfulness by disobeying God and eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, God did not abandon them for their failure and sin. Instead, He launched His plan of salvation, demonstrating His faithfulness to humanity, despite their unfaithfulness.

The faces of faithfulness are displayed by God’s unconditional love. Faithfulness produces loyalty, trust, security, intimacy, integrity, dependability, constancy, reliability, confidence, strength, hope, and an abundance of grace. It consistently operates in compassion and mercy, keeping promises despite the unfaithfulness of others. Even in the heartbreaking pain and grief of a broken covenant, faithfulness forgives and continues on the path of love, not hate. This is the nature of God toward you.

The faithfulness of God remains consistently loyal, believing in the potential and the person that He created you to be. His nature creates an atmosphere of trust, which is the bonding glue to the deep relationship He desires to have with you. The security of trust that comes from faithfulness creates strength for you to rely on, constancy when times are good, and a pillar to lean on when you are faced with self-disappointment and challenge.

God’s love for you is unfailing. He is fully committed to you. He does not jump ship when things get tough or boring. He does not go after “the next best thing” when others have lost sight of their first love. The nature of God’s love demands Him to be faithful, and His faithfulness is more than just sticking with someone. God’s faithfulness empowers you to meet your goals and enables your life to be fruitful.

The nature of God’s love always prefers, serves, and promotes the other. He always wants to see the best released into your life because He loves you. His faithfulness is not motivated by self-gain. He does not need to be rewarded or recognized. He simply wants the best for you. That commitment to you is sealed by God’s covenant relationship with you. Covenant is the highest form of relational promise anyone can make. Genesis 2:24 speaks of the covenant of a man “cleaving” to his wife. The word “cleave,” in Hebrew, is likened to skin that is inseparably attached to the flesh. Therefore, God’s covenant to you is that He refuses to separate Himself from you, that is why His faithfulness is unquestionable.

You can always depend and rely on the integrity of God’s faithfulness because He will always keep His word and His promise to you. He desires the best for you, and He does not run at the first sign of trouble. He will stand by you when you are alone and when all those around have abandoned their post. He will be that faithful Friend keeping you grounded, sane and comforted as the storms of life rage around you. He will never waiver in His steadfastness in the midst of your impossible circumstances. He loves to create testimonies of His faithfulness and add them to the storyline of your life. It will be these stories that will become your foundation to believe for more and to see your impossible dreams become realities.

Faithfulness is rooted in faith. It is the substance of things not seen, yet the assurance of things hoped for. Graham Cook says, “You can never trust in what God is doing, (because He is always doing the impossible), but you can always trust in who He is... He never promises that life will be easy, but nevertheless, He promises that He will always be with you.” You will always know you can trust Him because the “one thing” that always remains is His unfailing love for you. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever which means His faithfulness is not based on your performance, but on His covenant promise to love you.

When you discover that God’s faithfulness is your inheritance as His beloved child and that you do not have to earn His blessing or prove your faithfulness, you will discover your identity, security, and peace in Him. That is when life is no longer a half-empty glass, but a glass that is being continually topped up with hope, faith, and love.

When you discover the nature of God’s faithfulness, you then need to ask – how do I respond to such an amazing Friend? Simply, when we encounter His faithfulness, we should desire that the fruit of faithfulness also be produced in us. As much as we receive, we should desire to give, to respond to God and to others in the same way. When we grow in faithfulness, we reflect the image and likeness of the One who created us.

The amazing truth is that faithfulness leads to fullness. If you are faithful with a little, God loves to give you more. Your faithfulness requires your faith. And your faith in God’s dreams for you will always increase your capacity to believe for more. As your trust and faithfulness in God become part of your nature, your increased capacity will be met with a greater outpouring of His fullness. Therefore, your faith in His faithfulness will release your faithfulness to receive His greater fullness. Your upgrades in the Kingdom start with your constant faithfulness in what He has given to you. There is no greater word that we can hear than “Well done, good and faithful servant!”


Discovering The Goodness of God


The Power of Gentleness